7 Ekim 2012 Pazar

1000 Follower Giveaway WINNER!!

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Pin ItHappy Monday and Happy Labor Day to all my friends in the USA!!

It's time to announce the winner of my 1,000 Follower Giveaway :) First of all, I want to thank all of my followers, old and new...I appreciate you all so much!! I wish I had something to give all of you, but until I hit the lottery, this is what I am giving away to one follower:

And since I surpassed 1,000 followers, I am including the following stamp set:

I didn't use random.org to choose the winner because some people added the picture on their sidebar without leaving another comment and I wanted to make sure they got their extra entry. Also, for some reason, the numbering on my comments disappeared. So now I have to figure out how I did that before and try again.

Anyhoo...I printed out all the comments, added extras if necessary, tossed them into a box, shook it up and had a friend pick out one slip of paper.

So the winner of the candy is.....................................................................................

Congratulations Migdalia!! I will send you an email or you can email me at indymermaid(at)gmail(dot)com and I will get the goodies in the mail to you!!

Thank you all again for following me!! I love having giveaways and I'll be gathering items for a Fall giveaway...so stay tuned :)

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