It’s time to give up cooking in your kitchenand give in to South City Kitchen Vining’s limited time “Summer in the Kitchen”menu. From June 21-June 30 you can enjoy special summer offerings in additionto the usual beloved menu items.
Drool over heirloom tomatoes and watermelonwith minted basil syrup; crisp pig ear salad; "Beer Belly" SapeloIsland clams steamed in SweetWater 420 with house bacon; chilled poached shrimpwith grilled savoy cabbage and Benedictine dressing; Gulf shrimp and crabceviche; or smoked brisket chili with boiled peanuts, cilantro, smoked cheddarand sour cream. ($7-$10). For "hot dog, it's summer!" flair, thekitchen tops Certified Angus beef hot dogs with your choice of fried avocadoand sweet corn relish, bacon-wrapped with grilled Georgia peaches or greentomato chow-chow on an H&F bun ($6). Marinated cukes, Valbreso feta andlamb's lettuce dress the flavorful lamb burger; chicken thighs are slathered inwhite BBQ sauce as they bask alongside vinegared potato salad and grilledsummer corn; grilled flat-iron steak goes west next to ranch beans, arugula andsmoked chili ketchup while cedar plank salmon hooks up with BBQ Vidalia onionsand Georgia peaches ($12-$24). Finish off the meal with a pie plate of oatmeal,moon and fried pies ($9). For reservations, click here or call 770-435-0700.
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