18 Haziran 2012 Pazartesi

News Flash: Newman is still alive

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News Flash: Newman Knowlton is still alive even though he hasn't blogged in over a month!!!

I know that everyone gets "wrapped" up in the hustle and bustle of the holidays, but I thought that I would get a break from the rat race during January. Unfortunately, M&D are as busy as ever and that prevents me from blogging because I absolutely refuse to publish a post without at least one of my editors proofing. For Dog's sake, I do have a reputation to uphold.

I am happy to report that our fundraising effort to raise money for the American Cancer Society and the Morris Animal Canine Cancer Campaign by selling calendars was a smashing success!!! Just tonight Mom wrote out checks to both charities for $250. Thank you all for your support!

This year's campaign was especially heartfelt because, unfortunately, cancer has been a big part of our lives. In September, my Pappy John was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. I am very happy say that he looked the beast in the eye, vowed to beat it and said, "Bring it on!" Actually, he didn't say that, but he is attacking it with that attitude which has served him well.

Is this my Pappy John with a fencing mask on while undergoing radiation?
In October, Mom lost a treasured co-worker from Penn State Law from a courageous battle with esophageal cancer. In December, I lost my Great Aunt Mary Kennedy to bone cancer. I could go on listing people we lost or have been afflicted with cancer, but that's a bummer.

Ally practicing this past summer for "Cartwheels for Cancer"
My two-legged cousin and aspiring young gymnast, Ally Richwine, who is cute as a bug in a rug, recently joined me in the War Against Cancer in the hopes that we will find a cure. She just recently participated in "Cartwheels for Cancer" and completed 287 cartwheels in 10 minutes and raised nearly $150. Certainly nothing to snub your nose at. Being a snub-nosed beast, I would know.

Although slightly disappointed — and very light headed — that she didn't reach the 300 mark, she certainly has nothing to be ashamed of. Don't worry kiddo, next year you'll reach your goal. I'm very proud that you have chosen to follow in my paw-steps raising funds for important charities. You rock!

Thank you to all my supporters in our joint campaign against cancer — for both two-legged and four-legged friends.

P.S. Women — Don't forget to "Feel Your Boobies!" I know Dad loves to feel Mom's. BOL!

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